Sunday, December 30, 2012

Ho Ho Ho and a Happy New Year!!!

So it's that time of year when a lot of new year's resolutions are being made, and the realization that, have never followed through any you have made. As with all things in life, we must learn, some lessons are actually easier than some. Like I had indicated in one of my posts not so ling ago, I had a lot of time to think and by now everybody should know I love to write and sometimes what I have to say makes sense. This time I want to give some perspective on a few things. A lot of us (maybe a me alone still but anyway) may be closing the new year with uncertainties, ranging from education, career, diet, health, relationships etc. As a result we make these grand resolutions, things we are going to do to effect positive change. Others, (the less methodical) just do it! They just wake up January 1 and gets the ball rolling, and maybe a third of these "Like Nikes" continue with the plans throughout the year. Granted I can accept that these resolutions can be difficult especially in light of the fact that we cannot tell the future and we can almost be sure that there will be circumstances beyond our control that may or may not side track our plans, but how realistic are we with these resolutions? What I intend to do is help you decide what/how to set your priority goals for the new year. WORK Many of us are jobless, and our greatest wish for the new year is to get a job! I've recently started to understand the importance of being specific when we pray for things. Sometimes we try not to sound greedy and over-ambitious we end up mentally settling with less until our very actions and prayers become channels to lesser things. If you believe God answers prayers and will give you whatever you pray for, then don't pray for a job experience. I always told my friend, get to know people, the term is "hob-nobbing", place yourself among people who can help, encourage, uplift, invest in you and your endeavors, The age of shyness has long passed, put yourself out there, be your own PR Personnel. To those working, be grateful! No matter what it is that you do and how much you are making, earning a little is way better than earning NOTHING. And I see some a y'all complaining but I know if they send you home you will not be so happy. RELATIONSHIPS The holidays may have been mighty fine and awesome for a lot of couples, friends and family. For others, it has provided us with worthwhile experiences that will help us to decide who means us well, who loves us and who has our best interest at heart. Don't get caught up trying to clear your facebook/bbm/phone/messenger friends lists for silly reasons. Its not hard to know who you friends are and all that, however, here's a heads up, if your Christmas or new year wasn't/will not be spent with that special someone, look into yourself. Let this year be the year you stop taking bull-sh*t, learn to rely on yourself, expect the most and best from and of yourself. Learn to LET GO! Love those who love you and cherish them, make happy memories. Live. Love. Laugh. SEX DO IT!!!! My 'Like Nikers' will love this. At the end of the day, when all else fails, a good, satisfying and pleasurable roll in the hay will boost your confidence, your outlook on life, your self-esteem and your health. YES! There are health benefits, as well as risks. Let 2013 be the year where the mantra 'safe sex or no sex' is yours. Get tested, ease your mind, you might even enjoy doing it more. Try something new, anything, a new location, a toy, a new position something. And an aside, COMMUNICATE with your partner, and not just when there is a problem, when he/she does something that makes you happy, say it. Seize all opportunities to express your feelings to each other. To the men who 'nuh too inna di talking ting', *raised eye-brows*, there is no going around it USE YOUR WORDS!!! Don't take it for granted that your gf, 'dun know' how you feel about her. Humans in agreements love to be re-assured. HEALTH All of us at some point have some weight goal we want to achieve, be it to put on or lose a few pounds. So plans to make the gym your second home and to buy gym gear and all manner of exercising contraptions are front and center in your minds. But here's what I want to implore you to make a priority in 2013, GET A FULL MEDICAL CHECK UP! Those niggling aches and pains, the sharpshooting ones and the once every 3mth ones, get them checked out. You are not too young to be afflicted. Of course eat healthy, include something healthy in your diet that you didn't use to have and take one 'not-so' healthy one out, no matter how small it is. For those serious about the exercise thing, don't be impatient and expect overnight results. Baby Steps! MONEY What can I say about this? SAVE! Let that VMBS One Less plan be your mantra. Do a little less of the fun, exciting and exotic things you always did with your friends. A little less can be so much more (VMBS should pay me). Of course, plan an occasion where you will splurge a little on something you like. For those with credit cards, those slim things dont seem like much, but they can be a handful. The key, is to resist the temptation, shopping online is fun, trust me I KNOW! Be tactful, wait for sales and discounts especially online, because you will still have to think about shipping. And whatever you do, don't forget to pay up!!!! EDUCATION Most of you may be finished with formal schooling at secondary level, but here's some seemingly foolish advice. Go back Get a skill or sumn!!! With the way the country and the world is the only thing we can do is be prepared in whatever way we can and the most valuable asset we have is our minds. A skill can take you places, likewise a degree. Not killing dreams or anything but UWI/Utech/NCU/et al its all well and lovely, but choose your major's and courses wisely, not everything that sounds good makes sense. I KNOW!!!! If you've already made a royal mess with your choices, back them up with a skill. One is rarely judged based on looks, skin colour and who you know to advance in a skill area. There is also a plus, its a much quicker way to becoming your own boss. I could go on and on but, all good things must come to end, or my hands are just tired. :D But whatever it is that you have planned for the new year, give it your all, love hard, work hard and play hard. Be Bold and do not be afraid to be different. Like Marty in Madagascar, don't spend too much time trying to figure out if you are black with white stripes or white with black stripes, just stick with one thing and move on. Know yourself before trying to know others. LAUGH and when you're done laugh some more, though it may seem crazy, it is the best medicine. HAPPY 2013!!!!!

Monday, June 20, 2011

What Do We Really Want? Part 1

So dear readers I must apologize for my mechanical backward-ness...this piece is actually Part 1 of a previous post entitled What Do We Really Want, I apologize for the hassle, but you will still be able to make the link.:D

This is real, am levelling with the, true life story.

I've always thought when it came to guys I knew what was best for me. Somehow, I have only met my type of guy maybe once or twice (maybe), this has made me wonder, if I actually had a type. Many guys have I met, and many different shades they were. Never had I believed that I would like someone enough to.....anyway.

Then one day (a couple years ago, actually feels like about 10 years ago), I met this guy, average looking, right height, right built, right complexion, and was quite the dresser. He was really easy on the eyes and in a long line in the bank (he was directly behind me) counting how many people had on black shoes was the next best thing.

So we chatted a little, needless to say he was...lets just say, not the type of guy I'd go for on a regular. He did spark my interest and we kept in touch and what not then after a really long time I started to like him (tum tum tum tuuuuuuuuum).

I tried to convince myself that liking him would be wrong (for more than one reason), but myself convinced me that I did like him and being wrong didn't matter. As time passed he grew on me and this was now the million dollar question..."If I could let myself go and like someone who I believed liked me too (still does...poor thing), could make me laugh, make me feel loved (whatever the hell that was/is), and wants nothing but the best for me, then why in the name of all things good would I continue to run???

El numero uno, and probably the only reason why it didn't work ....he could never tell me what he did to get money and when he did tell me...he spent the rest of time trying to convince me..saying, "it's all good". *Scoffs* like I'm buying that...when we went on the road, he was so antsy...anway. Ya'll get the idea, but everything else well almost everything else was cool...even his mum liked me (yea she thought i was sumn special, its cool i am sumn special;).

Bottom line is, do we really have types, and how often do we get so lucky as to meet that "special" type? Cuz i'm thinking 9 out of 10 times we meet the "almost perfect" girl or guy and the one thing that usually throws us off is sometimes so minim and ridiculous like, the person is too Isn't that what we all want, a nice person? My friends always tell me I'm picky and this may very well be true, but doesn't everybody do this at times? What are we really looking for in our mates?

I hate the horse crock story about how the outside doesn't count its the inside that does, uuhhmm, yeah we like to know our partners can connect to us on a spiritual level...but helllerrr!!! whats the point if i find something so very distasteful about how he looks and can't get over it, but everything else is peachy? Or whats the point if he's drop dead gorgeous and nothing else? I could give you lots more comparisons...but am running outa energy,but give it some thought and reply, please, let me see if I really have too much free time on my hands... might do a part two.(I did, its the previous post of the same name)

Friday, June 17, 2011

What Do We Really Want? Part 2

Ok, so here we are again, I was almost too sure I would have a follow up.

While trying to figure out if what i was looking for in a partner was asking too much , I realized that I wasn't and that other females had somewhat taller orders to fill. So after careful thought and ineteresting developments, I have come upon another issue.

So you want Mr. Charming, educated, blah blah blah, you find it...........only to learn that, well, due to his religion, you might not be able to take him home to meet the family. The family would be mortified, well I'm assuming based on how they speak about this particular religion on any given day, it would suggest zero tolerance. What do you do?

Or, you meet Mr. Charming and sexually he misses the mark.......I mean like totally missed. I know what that would mean for me but are the factors that affect how we choose our partners really worth giving in to?

In another note I wrote I asked why would or better yet why do most people sacrfice their happiness to please society, by adhereing to out dated norms? More so why is society so hung up on somethings? I watched a movie named Whatever Works, and while it was a tad bit disturbing, I did not fail to get the point that the primary basis of an individuals existence is built on personal happiness. And that we shouldn't be left skimming the garbage for it when it comes along every day in different forms, shapes and sizes and also most importantly in different types of people.

While that movie serves as a big "F YOU" to societies norms, it got me thinking how many times I have sacrificed my happiness. Now, in all civility we would like to presume that this happiness is within the confines of the laws of whichever land you currently reside on.

Also, I am in no way advocating for the disrespect of parents etc, on their beliefs. Family is of utmost importance to me and my partner is ultimately going to be a part of my family he should be able to fit in comfortably and be happy as well (not only about my happiness). Without getting too biblical, the bible speaks pf uneven yokes, and sure we might even know a few. But instead of judging do we stop to think, how are they together? Does it work? How is society being affected?

While the religious divide is quite simple, society may be offended by an individuals choice. I remeber when weddings that were not held in a church building were not complete and sanctified. Now society has become more lax and we find more people having beach, backyard and park weddings. Is there a common place for other eventualities such as religion?

Can people from two different denomination be together without everybody butting in, or more interestingly can society allow two people from two different religions to have a healthy, conflict-free relationship?

Isn't the decision of the relationships viability the job of both parties involved? I jokingly told someone that if my parents don't like who i'm talking to because of something we don't see as a problem then we are Of course thats all talk...or is it?

But how far will we let society take us away from our own happiness? In part one I recall mentioning a few of the more trivial things like being able to speak well but wasn't that along with others all influenced by the people we know and love called family? Who are also more interested in what the church brothers and sisters will say when u turn up to church with a Vybz Kartel? (OMG, I would love to be at church that day).

How about the sex is good but he's not good-looking enough? Or, the sex is good but he is not educated enough? Many other buts may arise and in essence good sex should be able (have the capacity) to suffice all or most other shortcomings, IF and ONLY IF, the statement that nothing can suffice for bad sex is true. Society is even in your bedroom, under your covers and between your legs.

Some people might just want to be single and have lots of cats, but society will curse them. Some people might want to not have kids, society will curse them. Some people may genuinely be in love, but if society doesn't love who you love, you secretly cease to love that person.

Sure there are those who have managed to defy society but at what cost?

I may come across as not giving society enough credit, but from what I've seen there is very little wiggle-room. A friend of mine made a post the other day, saying that it is important to have a good looking partner if you're ugly to balance out the looks of the child/children. Its the way we are, personally speaking, I have an affinity to the not-so-drop-dead-cute guys, maybe because deep down, my likkle bit of looks can make cute babies...DWL! Laughable to say the least, but it is also a factor of the perception of beauty posited by society and not just our immediate society but on an international level.

I will now bestow on you The Probablity Concept, which has little to do with Maths and society and more to do with individual happines and well-being. Its quite simple....You meet X, you evaluate how he looks, how he dresses, what type of shoes and socks he wears, what type of car he drives and what does he do, then after you have been talking for a while you might run a google search. (not ashamed to say I have)

Now the probabability exists that if you really like this person, you probably will have sex: HIV/AIDS test needs to be done, must use condom, condom may break, may get pregnant, may decide to keep baby. The relationship grows, all is well. Another probablity, you will probably start dating: may have sex, HIV/AIDS test, condom etc, will have to meet family, may get married. And yet another probablity, the biggest jerk ever: abort mission, sever ties.

While it is possible to experience more than one probablity with one person, its not set in stone, but it is one way to view life and such intricasies as relationships. It makes it easier to deal, if u cannot see yourself with the person after a couple dates, then I don't know what else you're looking for. I believe it is said that a woman knows within minutes of meeting a guy whether or not she will get intimate with him. It has been moved up a notch, if you imagine how the kids will look and you don't like it chances are u will delete his number and hope not to see him again.

Quite a vain approach...but like the movie, WHATEVER WORKS. However, while we are in persuit of happiness we should try not to become selfish and heartless. Think how your decisions will affect the next the end of the day maybe thats why we care so much what everybody and their grandmothers think about us and the choices we make.

The question as far as I am concerned should now read, WHAT DOES SOCIETY REALLY WANT US TO WANT? We in essence make all choices and decisions based on what the world will think and to a lesser extent, what makes us happy.

Monday, July 12, 2010


So the world cup has come to a close and my team Germany has given me something to feel good about. While Spain are the (first-time) champions and I applaud them, there is much to be said about the 32 team-64 game showdown. However, I will only speak of what was and is dear to my heart. A few things I learnt, yes, I learnt some more about the game, I learnt the universal word- the "F" word, I learnt about popular names in football, clubs and leagues...and last but by no means the least and my main reason for writing, the ever present existence of racism and what I discovered about something known as Neo-Nazism.

So, in 2002, i picked a team to support at the world cup and Germany would be so lucky! In 2006, it was still Germany and it was also hosted by said country. Excitement was high, and football at its best, not to mention the Caribbean (and I say Caribbean and not CONCACAF) was represented by the second English speaking Caribbean country to enter the World Cup (Jamaica was first) since its inception. Then, it never haunted me about the members of the German team and while Germany was on show to the world its usually just the good stuff.

Everybody knows about Adolf Hitler and what he stood for. I have been beaten down for supporting Germany and even been deemed a Nazi. If you don't know about Nazism and Hitler and the Holocaust I suggest you read no further and get to googling...NOW!

This World Cup coincidently was hosted by South Africa a country riddled by apartheid and that still struggles with racism, hence FIFA taking a stand against it with special readings denouncing racism by the teams captains at the quarter-final and semi final stages.

Germany like most European countries or even us here in the Caribbean is a multicultural society, but what shocked me was finding out that Nazism still exists and is in effect. The German Football Team for World Cup 2010, had more than 10 players who are not considered German. Some were born in other countries and migrated to Germany, while others, were born in Germany but by parents who were born elsewhere and are not of German heritage.

This sprung about a big problem for Neo-Nazis, the team, believe it or not is highly unfavoured by some Germans due to the multiculturalism of the team/players. Some of the top players Podolski, Klose, Oezil, Cacau, Gomez, Boateng, Aogo and Tasci to name a few are not Germans by above mentioned standards..however, watching the team play, one would not realize this, as the cohesiveness is flawless and camaraderie is an ever-present element in defeat or victory.

Germany, like South Africa has these genetic issues for hundreds of years and today in the year two thousand and ten much has not changed despite what we would like to believe. Once, I believed sporting events some what blurred these divisional lines, as it does in Jamaica with our political tribalism and crime. It does not work that way, a harsh truth I had to wait 8 years to learn from the team I will continue to support for the next World Cup and the ones after that. (big grin)

Some people cannot move on from their past and while it is important to know where you're from in order to know where you're going (inevitable cliche`), it by no means suggests that you hold on to old grudges...yes some of you may disagree but here's my perfect example. Look at what has been achieved by a young multicultural football team from Germany. Its about how we work together and play together, its how we respect each other, its how we care and love each other, not where we were born or where our fore-parents were born.

Holding true to ones culture is a little more than the sociological definition of the word and while my culture may be restricted to where i live, it doesn't mean there isn't room for acceptance of others and their culture, after all Jamaica is what it is because of "forced-draft Westernization", something we have grown into (some more than others). Who is to say what we choose to call "our" culture or "my" culture? What if a Jamaican-German (mom was German born and bred dad was Jamaican) chooses to embrace his German-ness over his Jamaican-ness who are we to condemn them? Are they wrong? and if so, what makes it wrong?

Jerome Boateng and Kevin Prince Boateng, were born in Berlin to a Ghanian father and a German mother . Both represented Germany at the under 21 level, however, at this World Cup, Jerome represented Germany while his brother Kevin represented Ghana. Jerome sports a tattoo of the map of Africa with "GHANA" written in the middle but has a white German girlfriend like his brother Kevin who has a white German wife. Many would say they are sell me, love is universal, just like the "F" word.

Race is a socially constructed and contextual representation that may be emphasized for one reason or another at different points in time...think about this statement. People with genetic fascination and superiority complexes only see black or white...but in reality we know there are shades of gray.

Germanic racism may come in different forms and may only be highlighted at different points, but as mentioned earlier, the most important lesson to be taken away from this is that holding on to old grudges means your stuck in your past and doomed to a life of non-progressiveness. Years go forward like time hence we cannot go back and undo what was done, so in all sensibility, why not move forward? why be left behind? why refuse to celebrate progress because the goal scorer of a crucial game is of Turkish descent (Mesut Oezil, also Serdar Tasci is Turkish)?

Believe what you will but for me Bob Marley said and I couldn't say it better...ONE LOVE, ONE HEART, LETS GET TOGETHER AND FEEL ALRIGHT! and NOT JUST for the beautiful game.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

The Jamaican Dilemma

Ok, so it's been one long year since I came here and made a post. Well I'm here now on account of a story I saw on the TVJ news last night, oh TVJ means Television Jamaica. The story was about this man who went to 'buy sex' from a prostitute, someone he believed to be a female prostitute. Now on getting 'down' to business, he realizes that it wasn't a woman but a well camouflaged man!! So he got into some confrontation with the man/woman and the police got involved. Now seriously, they showed the man/woman and trust me on this he/she looks like a really hot girl, heels and all.
My views on homosexuality are and never will be compromised, I stand on mutual ground. So basically for me if a man wants to be with another man, then so be it. Likewise if a woman wants to be with a woman then thats that. I will not play the preacher and start with the oh its wrong and blah blah blah...because at the end of the day who are we to judge. But seriously, what irked me about this story was the AUDACITY of the man/woman to accept the offer of the unsuspecting man, poor thing must have nearly had a heart attack. I must admit it was kinda funny...I think with all the homophobic 'ness' in Jamaica, homosexuals have a certain level of freedom to be who they are, keyword being 'be' not act..which would involve any form of public display of affection. With all of this there are somethings that still puzzle me, like why is it that people seem more tolerant to lesbians as opposed to male homosexuals? and why are most men turned on instantly by a bisexual female? Why the double standard?
I've always heard but I'm just believing the more things change the more they remain the same! Thats whats up,

J'can Empress

Monday, May 19, 2008

Whats Shockingly Scary Right Now!!!

Hey, I don't know if it's just me but I think the earth is slowly melting!! I mean seriously, and you know what there seems to be just about a handful of people who actually give a rats ass about this dilemma. I think its really sad, because we are getting all the signs and people act as if we are being punished by God (it could be so) but HELLLOOO...pollution....does it ring a bell? Thats whats up...I'm scared seriously, the ice caps are melting, causing oceans to rise and living on an island simply means we might just experience some reclaiming of dumped up sea. There have been more natural disasters in the past 5 years than ever before and yet the greatest nation on this planet are acting all nonchalant. Sending aid when people are faced by these devastating disasters is not a bad thing but how about being a bit more proactive. Yes, some countries can afford early warning systems and what not, but what about those who can't? Do they suffer the consequences of the ill treatment of the environment by those industrial giant countries? Could it be that most governments see these events as population checks? Population check....hhhmmmm quite a fascinating theory put forward by Thomas Malthus (google it). If this is the case then people who actually have the resources to tackle pollution (green house gases) really do not have a clue. It is not ONLY going to affect the poor countries and villages in rich countries, it is going to affect the entire world....Don't these people watch Nat Geo Channel? Until then I'll be doing my bit to save the planet, since the rulers of the earth don't know the 'green' should too!!!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

My Review on 'Next'

Movie: Next
Director: Lee Tamahori
Starring: Nicholas Cage - Chris Johnson
Julianne Moore - Callie Ferris
Jessica Biel - Liz
Thomas Kretschmann - Mr. Smith
Tori Kittles - Cavanaugh
Peter Falk
Genre: Thriller/ Action/ Science Fiction
Movie Type: Live Action/ Computer Animations
Mode of Watching: Cable
Date/Time: April 5, 2008/ 9pm

A clairvoyant (Cris) who is able to see what will happen in his life only two minutes before it happens, falls in love with a young woman (Liz) while on the run from FBI agents who need his help to locate a nuclear bomb and the persons responsible for planting it in Las Vegas. After spending a night with his new lady love in a motel room, she finds out that Cris is wanted by the FBI and she is asked to cooperate with them to apprehend him. Eventually Cris is captured by the FBI and Liz is kidnapped by the terrorists who planted the bomb; she would be used as bait to lure Cris to them so they can kill him before he can help the FBI to find the bomb. The rest of the movie is played out in a thrilling cat and mouse chase between the FBI (who have now teamed with Cris) and the terrorists. Using his gift, he is able to rescue his girlfriend and help the FBI stop the bomb. However, the end reveals that the entire movie was just Cris seeing into the future, he then decides to give himself in to the FBI provided that this time they can protect his girlfriend.

The movie had a lot of action therefore a lot of quick scene changes was involved. There were two main scenes one in the mountains of Arizona and the other in the metropolitan area of Las Vegas. For the movie to have a powerful effect on the viewer there has to effective use of camera shots, for example Long Shots (LS), Medium Shots (MS), Close Up (CU) and Extreme LS (XLS), which is a combination of all three. Long Shots give a full picture of the subject, with people an LS is head to toe, MS brings the subject closer to the viewer isolating it from its surroundings, with people it is a head to waist shot, and a Close up isolates the subject from its environment. These along with different movements of the camera and the lens, for example zooming in and out. These visual effects allow the audience to connect to the different situations and also to get a better idea of the nature of the movie. For example, in the scene in the warehouse searching for Liz, they split the FBI group so that they could cover more ground; Cris decided to search alone but with the use of computer animation viewers saw him divide into about 28 individuals so he could also cover more ground.

Without the use of these visual effects the movie would not be as interesting as it was. There was also an abundance of technology used in the movie, like tracking devices, cell phones, televisions and other technological gadgets (which I unfortunately did not identify). This use of technology shows the modernity of the movie and also gave an idea how security/crime personnel use it to aid their investigations. Colour was also very effective as contrasts between scenes at the motel were refreshing and brighter than those at the warehouse. The lighting also contributed to raising the intensity of the action putting the viewer in the actors’ position especially in the warehouse scene, where a few of the FBI agents got killed. Overall it was a good movie very intriguing and a very unlikely but welcome twist at the end for people who do not like predictable movies; with this one you can never know what will happen ‘Next’.

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